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summary: FIRM Map Index for year 1998 of Rutherford County, Tennessee
tags: ["FIRM","FEMA","1998","Stormwater","Rutherford County","Tennessee","Flood map"]
snippet: FIRM Map Index for year 1998 of Rutherford County, Tennessee
type: Map Service
accessInformation: FEMA, Rutherford County Stormwater, Rutherford County OIT-GIS
guid: 2F68CF12-F12A-416F-B773-40A701FFC335
title: FIRM_Index_1998
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
extent: [[-86.7530525371984,35.6240302763228],[-86.1245495215101,36.1258159637746]]
description: Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), a commonly used term in floodplain management. The official map of a community on which FEMA has delineated both the special hazard areas and the risk of premium zones applicable to the community.
name: FIRM_Index_1998
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
spatialReference: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Tennessee_FIPS_4100_Feet
culture: en-US